Thursday 14 March 2013

Third time Lucky?

After countless years of reading blogs instead of magazines watching You Tube instead of TV, I contemplated many times starting a blog, I always had reservations. 
Will it make the cut in a sea of a million bloggers aspiring for the same goals? 
Can I make it original enough for people to want to take time out of their lives to sit down and read my blog? 
Will I have enough inspiration to do it justice and put my heart into it? 
There was always that one thing that held me back making me doubt myself and my abilities. I have tried this a few times before, twice infact. So shall we say third time lucky eh? 

I don't particiulary know where to start, I'm Claire? 22, could just cut it short and state the obvious like many girls before me and many girls still to come, I like make up, clothes, shopping, music, going to de de da - Hardly call it original!

I just became a mum last year She's the best thing that's ever happened to me, the joy of waking up to the brightest smile each morning just because she sees you're still there is the most precious thing in the world. 

I have no real niche for this blog, I like writing, I used to write short novels when I was younger, I like it as a way of expression. Why not use that passion and expression to write about stuff I have a real interest for? Whether it be fashion, make up, music. Unoriginal as it may be trends are there to be followed so whether I am following trends of other girls it's a burden I'll have to bare.

I am this time putting as much it I possibly can, I will devote as much to it as I can in order to make it a success, bare with me, I'll get there in the end.

Claire xo.

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